String It Up

One of the most important parts of lacrosse is how you string the lacrosse pocket. Unfortunately, not every player understands the importance of what it takes to string and maintain a quality lacrosse stick. In a sport where consistency is king, the way in which you string your stick can be everything.

String It Up LogoA couple of weeks ago in my home town of Huntington, New York, I stumbled into a lacrosse store on a side street called String It Up. As I walked inside, I was greeted by co-owner Leyland Davis. After chatting with Leyland, it was apparent he was an experienced, knowledgeable, lacrosse fanatic who truly understands the importance of properly stringing lacrosse heads. Leyland and his String It Up company customize string jobs for specific players based on their body type, age,  position, and preference. They listen to the customer who knows what they want and string the perfect pocket for those who have not idea.

As a kid, there was only 1 lacrosse shop in my town. In that store, they would string-up the same type of stick no matter what. Customers ranged from beginners to all-americans. If you wanted a lacrosse head strung, then it was going to be done the exact same way. Today, that is no longer the case. It was refreshing to see how much thought, precision, and innovation Leyland and his team put into stringing lacrosse heads. String It Up is currently a small store with a big mission – which is to string the perfect lacrosse pocket for YOU.

If your the type of kid that aspires to play in front of thousands on ESPN, then I highly recommend you visit a store like String It Up and acquire a properly strung lacrosse head. In the words of String King “Consistency is King”, and it all starts with the crosse.

Special thanks to String It Up for working with FLG and having a great mission! #LoveTheGame #StringItUp #FLG


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