Player Spotlight – Eric Dunne

Eric DunneWho is your Favorite Athlete of all time?
Has to be LT Lawrence Taylor. He is one bad man.

When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I really wanted to be an archeologist. I thought I was going to be the guy from Jurassic Park.

Who is your Role Model?
UAlbany Head Coach Scott Marr. I’ve tried to emulate his coaching philosophy and style. He taught me a lot about lacrosse and more importantly about life.

What is your favorite motivational quote?
“Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those timid spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.” -Teddy Roosevelt
* However, it was my father who brought the quote to my attention.

What was your favorite thing about playing lacrosse in college?
My favorite thing was the camaraderie amongst your teammates, coaches and the players’ families. You spend so much time together and share successes, failures, and even punishments. They become like your extended family and it’s a pretty special bond.

What is the one thing that you would change about your college career?
I would have been more dedicated to the strength and conditioning program, especially during the early part of my career.

What is your favorite thing to do when you’re not playing or coaching lacrosse?
Is this a trick question? I didn’t know life existed outside of coaching these days. However, I do enjoy Brazilian Jiu Jitsu when I have some time off. (No, it’s not karate.)

What’s your guilty pleasure?
I’m a big fan of Survivor. I know it’s reality TV, but I also think it’s an incredible social experiment.

What is your best sports memory?
Beating GC in the Nassau County finals when they were #1 in the nation my junior year. State championships are great and all but there’s nothing I like more than seeing Garden City lose, especially when you do it at Hofstra.

Did you have any pregame rituals?
At Albany we always wrote who we played for on a piece of tape and put it on the back of our helmets for pregame and then over our hearts for the game. I still do this ritual to this day and write #22 for Scott Deverna, who passed away my sophomore year at Wantagh.

Who in lacrosse is destined to be a reality TV star?
Brett Queener. He was our goalie for my senior year at UAlbany as well the next two years. He still plays in the MLL. Brett is quite the character, as he’s demonstrated year after year at the MLL trick shot competitions.

What is the one thing you can’t live without?
I have a small addiction to rainbow colored sprinkles. Like I eat them by the spoonful. (Yes, I know that’s incredibly weird.)

OT Question
What would the world be like without you?
That’s a tough question… I imagine there would be a lot more one-handed groundballs, un-buttoned chinstraps, stick checking over taking body, shooting while fading behind the cage, guys leaning on their sticks like the Planter’s Nuts guy… and I guess just a generally softer brand of lacrosse. In short a terrifying world…


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