Pyramid of Success, Building Blocks

John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success

As we continue to examine John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success, we move upward from the Foundation to the next level of Building Blocks.


Self-Control is an essential part of discipline.  The ability to control your emotions even at the highest levels of competition is a necessary part of developing the mindset of a Champion.


Be focused and observant of all things going on around you, as much of the time as possible.  This allows you to be continuously learning.  Being alert to all cues will help you exploit an opponent’s weakness or to correct one of your own.


Failure is part of Success.  You cannot be afraid to fail.  You can learn from failure.  You must have the strength to make decisions and act on them.  If you fear failure, you will never try to get to the next level and therefore, never be the best you can be.


Keep your focus on your values and your goals.  Don’t be distracted or discouraged by a lack of success along the way.  Stay on that course, continue working your hardest to become the best you can be.  Be persistent, tenacious and absolutely determined.


Really consider the above “Building Blocks”, and try to make them part of who you are and what you do.  I think this will put you on a positive path leading to “success”.


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